Helpful Tips on the Middle School Digital Communication Arts – Digital Portfolio

See the tips about these below.

  1. Helpful Tip#1
    1. It is NOT mandatory, but the applicant may want to use the Adobe Creative Cloud application suite, specifically the Premiere Pro, Illustrator and Photoshop apps, to complete the digitally recorded one-to-three-minutes (1-3 min.) long introductory video, the digital graphic design poster and the digital photomontage, respectively.
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud is the primary set of applications and services utilized in the Cab Calloway School of the Arts middle school digital communication arts classes.
      1. If the applicant is interested in learning more about Adobe Creative Cloud apps, they may click here.
  2. Helpful Tip#2
    1.  Please, complete the THREE (3) steps below to successfully deliver the middle school communication arts digital portfolio to Dr. Goldsborough.
      1. Please, insert all the completed digital art pieces in a Google Slides presentation.
      2. Please place the presentation in a Google Drive folder.
      3. Please, share that same folder with Dr. Goldsborough.
        1. Please, click here to view a more detailed description of the portfolio requirements and means of digital delivery.
  3. Helpful Tip#3
    1. Please, click here to review the middle school communication arts assessment rubric.
    2. There is no in-person evaluation procedure for the middle school digital communication arts assessment.
      1. The ENTIRE middle school Comm Arts assessment process is digital.
    3. Please DO NOT combine the middle school digital communication arts portfolio with a middle school visual arts portfolio.
      1. They MUST be separate and sent to TWO DIFFERENT teachers.
    4. Before submitting the digital portfolio to Dr. Goldsborough, please test your introductory video AFTER it is inserted in the Google Slides presentation.
      1. You may test them by sending it to a trusted person and asking them if it plays successfully.
    5. The graphic design must be a digital vector drawing only.
    6. The photomontage must be created with digital photo editing software only.
    7. Please, do not add any of the digital art pieces in the introductory video.
    8. The introductory video MUST ONLY include the applicant introducing themselves and answering the required questions.
    9. Only provide requested information in the introductory video.
    10.  Dr. Goldsborough’s email address is [email protected].
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