Hello Cab Students and Families:
We are so excited to see you when you come to pick up your materials for the fall. We have created a schedule below to help us best organize distribution of materials, however, if you have students in more than one grade, you are welcome to choose the time that best works for your family. You do not need to come on multiple days.
When you arrive, park in the parking lot. Follow the sidewalk to the front entrance. You will enter through the front doors, check in at the front table where we will check your name off, and will give your student a copy of their schedule. (Handicapped parking will be in front of the building.)
We ask that only one parent accompany the student into the building. Please self screen for any symptoms of illness.
If you have any symptoms DO NOT COME into the building.
Please answer the following questions.
- In the past 14 days, have you been near (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) a person who has a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19, or have you had direct contact with their mucus or saliva?
- In the last 48 hours, have you had any of the following symptoms?
- Fever of 100.4 F or above (or symptoms like alternating shivering and sweating)
- New cough
- New trouble breathing, shortness of breath or severe wheezing
- New chills or shaking with chills
- New muscle aches
- Sore throat
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- New loss of smell or taste, or a change in taste
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Headache, congestion or runny nose with no other known cause (such as allergies)
If you answered YES to any of the questions above, do NOT come into the building.
A mask must be worn at all times when in our building.
Once you have checked in, we will direct you down the main hallway (past 201 and 203) where you will enter the gymnasium from the side entrance. There you will follow the instructions to pick up your Chromebook and any materials your child will need to start the school year. Several teaching staff members will be available to assist you in this process. You may not go to any classrooms or to other areas of the building.
Please feel free to complete the CHROMEBOOK paperwork in advance.
One-to-One Technology Agreement and Protection Plan Fee
All families are required to complete the One-to-One Technology Agreement and pay the $20 protection plan fee. Fees may be paid by cash, check or online through PayPams. Links to the printable Technology Agreement and directions for PayPams can be found here, or you may complete the Technology Agreement electronically here:
To electronically sign the document (English) https://forms.gle/j7nsxp7Brnudu4mn9
To electronically sign the document (Spanish) https://forms.gle/8C7eU1ai3LTKPEnBA
You may complete the paperwork in advance and use PAYPAMS to pay the $20 fee, or you may complete that paperwork and pay by cash or check when you arrive at Cab Calloway on your designated date (noted above.) If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from making payment at this time, please email [email protected]
Once you receive your materials, you will exit the gym and leave via the pool hallway. Our PTSO will have a table set up there where they will be selling Cabbie wear and other Cab merchandise.
Please remember to ALWAYS MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCE while in the building. Please be attentive to the six foot tape markers throughout the building to ensure that you maintain your distance from other families.
Thank you!
DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE: (If you have multiple children attending Cab, please feel free to come only one time!)
Wednesday, August 26:
- 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM – 6th Grade Last Names A – L
- 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM – 6th Grade last Names M – Z
Thursday, August 27:
- 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM – 7th Grade
- 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM – 8th Grade
Monday, August 31:
- 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM – 9th Grade
- 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM – 10th Grade
Tuesday, September 1:
- 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM – 11th Grade
- 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM – 12th Grade
Questions? Feel free to email us!
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you!