Definition of Bullying: shall mean any intentional written, electronic, verbal, or physical act or actions against another student, school volunteer, or school employee that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:


(1) Placing a student, school volunteer or school employee in reasonable fear of substantial harm to his or her emotional or physical wellbeing or substantial damage to his or her property; or 

(2) Creating a hostile threatening, humiliating, or abusive educational environment due to the pervasiveness or persistence of actions or due to a power differential between the bully and the target; or 

(3) Interfering with a student having a safe school environment that is necessary to facilitate educational performance, opportunities or benefits; or 

(4) Perpetuating bullying by inciting, soliciting, or coercing an individual or group to demean, dehumanize, embarrass, or cause emotional, psychological, or physical harm to another student, school volunteer, or school employee. 


          1. Committee Members


Francis Gregor

Joslyn Morris Tier 1 Co-Leader/Academic Teacher
Xue Xudong Tier 1 Co-Leader/Academic Teacher
Carlton Cannon

Arts Teacher

Sarah Swift

Special Education Coordinator

Dale McKenzie


Pia Cooper

Student Advisor

Parent Representative(s)

Student Representative(s)

      1. Give a brief description of the school’s Bully Prevention Program: 

The anti-bullying program at Cab Calloway consists of explicit instruction in social-emotional behavioral (SEB) skills and strategies, mediation, and conflict resolution.  The Second Step SEB curriculum will be taught to our middle schoolers once a week during B5 days for the entire school year.  The curriculum teaches empathy and anti-bullying/peer intervention skills.  We are using School Connect for the SEB lessons on B5 days at the high school.  Both curricula focus on skills that contribute to positive mental health and are protective factors against bullying.  Furthermore, our middle school health classes will continue teaching a unit on bullying.  


As required by the State, all faculty must complete district/state-mandated training on bullying to identify bullying and advocate for students. Parent contact is required any time an alleged or actual bullying incident has occurred between students to alert families of the incident so that they can seek additional mental health support if they deem it necessary.   


To ensure the safety of our students, after alleged or actual bullying has occurred, our counselors work with both students – the alleged bully and the victim – individually to process the event and ensure that the bullying or aggressive behavior stops.  If the victim agrees, restorative mediation may be done with the two students together by a mental health professional.  Additionally, the behavior interventionist is dispatched to observe and check in with the two students periodically to ensure that the bullying has indeed stopped and that the targeted student feels safe.  The behavior interventionist will report back to the investigating administrator.  

      1. Give a brief description of the supervisory procedures in nonclassroom areas: 

Administrators and other staff monitor stairwells, hallways, and nonclassroom areas. Duties are assigned to cover nonclassroom areas before school, during lunch, and after school.  Locations and duties are reviewed and revised as needed every year as well as throughout the school year. 


      1. Reporting Requirement: 

If a faculty/staff member observes bullying behavior or has been informed by a student and/or parent that bullying behavior is taking place they are to report it to the school administration and/or school counselors immediately. All referrals are documented through the DOE Alleged Bully Victim page via ESchool. All reports of bullying are investigated by the school administration. Substantiated bullying incidents are documented in DSC and/or Eschool as disciplinary events, with both the bully and the victim identified.   


      1. Investigative Procedures: What assurances are in place to guarantee the victim is interviewed? 

When bullying behavior is reported, the reporting student/s is asked to write a statement, which includes identifying anyone who may have witnessed the incident. Witnesses are interviewed and asked to write statements as well. The person accused of bullying is interviewed separately from the alleged victim and is asked to submit a written statement. The administrator will notify the alleged victim’s parents regarding the claim. An investigation ensues after all statements have been reviewed, including reviewing camera footage (if available) and interviewing teachers or other adults.  Upon completion of the investigation, all stakeholders (victim, offender, and parents) will be informed of the outcome of the investigation. The investigating administrator will document the initial complaint in eSchool and follow up within 5 working days under DOE regulations. 


If teachers observe potential bullying behavior, they are to enter it into RAP as a referral and notify the grade-level administrator.  If the bullying is reported to them but not directly observed they are to report it immediately to the grade level administrator.  In either case, the event is fully investigated.  Additionally, the victim is referred to the school counselor for support.  After the investigation, the alleged bully is also referred to the counselor.  If agreed to by the victim, mediation with both students together may follow.  The administration then follows up on each report of bullying by investigating each referral/incident and documenting said referral/incident on eSchool. 


      1. Report to DOE

The principal or his/her designee will report both allegations of bullying as well as confirmed bullying incidents within five working daysAll reported allegations of bullying will be recorded in the Alleged Bully Incident (ABI) portal in the eSchool Plus system.  Additionally, parents will be notified and DOJ letters will be sent to both the alleged victim and perpetrator


Upon completion of a bullying investigation, the outcome will be documented in the ABI portal with clear notes indicating whether or not the incident was confirmed as bullying. All confirmed bullying incidents will be reported to DOE within 5 working days via a documented bullying offense and consequences added to the confirmed bully’s discipline record in eSchool Plus. 


      1. Range of Consequences: 

Depending on the situation, we will always begin with the least punitive consequence to effect a behavior change. We will also endeavor to educate the student/s as needed on acceptable behavior as well as provide strategies for dealing with the triggers that may lead to bullying.  Consequences from the list below will be applied to discipline the confirmed bully.  The following is a list of consequences that can be administered when bullying is substantiated:           

      1. Contract (behavior, no contact, no negative contact, etc.) 
      2. Detention 
      3. Suspension (In or Out depending on situation/circumstances) 
      4. Parent Conference 
      5. Police Charges (if applicable) 
      6. Recommendation for Due Process 
      7. 7. Restitution 
      8. School/Outside Agency Counseling 
      9. Individual/Group Counseling 
      10. Bullying Education 


A combination of consequences will be based on the bullying event and the history of the bully.  


      1. Procedures for students or caregivers to provide information on bullying activity: (Provide the process to submit information to school administration.) 

Caregivers, students, and all staff are encouraged to report bullying behavior when it occurs. This report can come via phone, email, written correspondence, or in person. Confidentiality is maintained whenever possible. The “Bullying Request for Support Form” will be available on our website as well as in all of our offices (Administration, Guidance, etc). There is a drop box in the Guidance Office where students can deposit the “Bullying Request for Support Form” anonymously or it may be submitted online at this link. Students and parents may also utilize the DOJ Ombudsman line 

(1-800-220-5414) or Department of Public Safety Anonymous Tip Line as a mechanism to report bullying behavior. Upon submission, the victim’s administrator will be notified and take over the case. 


      1. Notification of caregivers of bullies and targets: 

Caregivers are contacted anytime there is a substantiated bullying incident between two or more students. The administration will work with parents/guardians of alleged bullies and bullying victims as needed during bullying investigations. In cases of substantiated bullying, DOJ letters are sent to both parties. 


      1. Procedures for communication between school staff members, mental health, and health professionals. 

When bullying has been reported to the school administration, the students, both bully and victim, will be referred to one or more of the following resources as deemed necessary: School Counselor, Behavior Interventionist, School Nurse, School Psychologist, Special Education Coordinator, or the Wellness Center.  Based upon the recommendations from one or more of these resources the administration will refer the student/s to seek outside medical help


      1. Implement all year: 

This policy is enforced during the entire school year and includes school functions that occur during or after school hours (sporting events, club meetings, field trips, etc.). This policy shall also be enforced and the Red Clay Code of Conduct applied to electronic bullying allegations that are found to have a direct impact on the alleged victim’s ability to succeed within the school environment. 


      1. Notify District Office of compliance: 

The principal will sign and send a copy of this plan annually to the Supervisor of Public Safety for compliance purposes before August 30. 


      1. Staff trained by December 1st of each year according to state regulations: The School Bullying Prevention and Criminal Youth Gang Detection Training Log Template will be completed and sent to the Director of District & School Services. 


      1. Policy submitted to the Director of Operations and Supervisor of Public Safety: 


      1. Policy is printed in Parent and/or Student Handbook: 

The policy is currently available on the school website and will be sent out via our school listserv. It has also been placed in the Cab Calloway Discipline Policy booklet that is given to every student when they receive their RCCSD Student Code of Conduct. 


Anthony Gray-Bolden                                   August, 23, 2024

Principal’s Signature Date Submitted 

You may attach additional documents that are unique to your school’s Bully Prevention Plan.  

Victim Outcome of Investigatoin SAMPLE Letter
Perpetrator Warning Letter
Bullying Request For Support Form
Obusman Victim Letter

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