Cab Driver’s Education Wins Create Real Impact Contest

Student awarded $1,500 first prize!

Thanks to the Create Real Impact Contest, the 10th-grade class at Cab Calloway School of the Arts will think twice about driving distracted and driving defensively.

Cab student Lily M. was awarded a $1,500 first prize check for her writing entry titled The Multitasker. Cab Calloway School of the Arts earned a $1,000 prize for having the highest number of entries submitted to the national contest, which uses art, music, writing and video to warn teens of the dangers of distracted driving. Driver’s education teacher Kristine Murphy plans to use the prize money to fund an online defensive driving course for all of her students.

This is the 4th year in a row one of Mrs. Murphy’s students has won the award. Well done, Cab Calloway School of the Arts Drivers Education!

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