Cab Calloway School of the Arts Middle School Digital Communication Arts – Digital Portfolio

  1. Introduction to Digital Communication Arts
    1. Please, click here to explore how communication arts is the creation of digital art.
  2. Creating the Digital Portfolio
    1. Preview
      1. Please, click here to review exemplary portfolio examples.
      2. Please, click here to review a portfolio template.
    2. Assessment Criteria
      1. The middle school communication arts digital portfolio must consist of  (3) digital art pieces.
      2. The pieces MUST be created digitally.
        1. The applicant may use computer technology at their local library to create the digital portfolio.
        2. If the applicant cannot access the Internet and a computer, they may create a physical portfolio and drop it off at the Cab Calloway School of the Arts main office front desk.  The applicant may provide written answers to the introductory video interview questions on paper, and place them within their physical portfolio.
          1. The applicant is solely responsible for retrieving their physical portfolio after reviewing it.
      3. Please, click on the below criteria to review two of the required digital art pieces:
        1. ONE (1) digitally recorded one-to-three-minutes (1-3 min.) long introductory video
        2. ONE (1) series of FIVE (5) altered OR unaltered digital photographs that tell a visual story.
      4. Please choose only one out of the three of the following options for your third required digital piece: 
        1. One (1) original and unaltered digital photograph
        2. ONE (1) digital graphic design poster
        3. ONE (1) digital photomontage
  3.  Delivering the Digital Portfolio to Dr. Goldsborough
    1. Please submit your portfolio via this Google link when ready
    2. Note that you can submit your portfolio as early as it is ready, but it is due by the date and time listed on your assessment notification
    3. There is NO in-person assessment for Middle School Communication Arts
  4. Important Information
    1. Please, click here to review the middle school digital communication arts assessment rubric.
    2. Please, click and watch the videos below to familiarize yourself with the assessment process and the overall middle school digital communication arts program.

Middle School Digital Communication Arts Program | CCSA

Middle School Digital Communication Arts Assessment Process | Cab Calloway School of the Arts

Site Designed and Coded by Karl Stomberg | Updated by Matthew Jones (Digital Media 4 Project 2016/2019)
Site Managed by [email protected]