Phyllis Whaler, RN, BSN, MS, NCSN is Cab Calloway’s full-time nurse.

Contact Ms. Whaler:

The nurse is a member of the school’s professional staff and contributes to the total educational program.

School nurses are registered nurses with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and additional training in School Nursing.

***Please note: Wellness Center is now offering flu shots – just call to schedule 651-2100***

Important documents:

Student Data Cards:

Medication Permission Forms:

Self-Carry Inhaler Forms:

Self-Carry Epinephrine Forms:

Action Plans:

Physical Forms:

Wellness Center:

Membership Applications English version

Membership Application – Spanish version

Vaccine Administration Permission Form

* Delaware School Nursing services meet the dynamic health needs of all Delaware students, maximizing their ability to participate in educational activities and achieve optimal wellness. Key components of school nursing services include early identification and intervention, health education and promotion, multi-faceted collaboration and the direct services of a nurse for each school.

School Nurse Responsibilities:

State of Delaware Immunization Requirements:


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